Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Set this place on fire

Well I didn't set the whole place on fire, just my microwave. Ok so yesterday, I call myself eating something I had no business eating at 10:00 pm. But I wanted some pizza rolls. So I set the microwave for 1 min 15 seconds (or so I thought) and went upstairs to change. So im bullshiting, changing my clothes watching tv and what not. When I smell the scent of something burning. Thinking nothing of it I head back downstairs to get my snacks. As soon as I hit the second level the scent is overwelling I can see the smoke in the kitchen. Apparently I set the microwave for 11mins 50secs. The paper plate is completely disintegrated all that was left was a brownish liquid and charcoal black pizza rolls. So of course I open the door and all windows on that level, tryna get that stintch out. Rinse off the microwave plate and closed the door, went to bed with the windows up. Had to change my clothes again, cause I smelled like a chimney stack. In the morn it still smelled like I had a bonfire. So i Left the windows open went to work, still smelled it when I got home. I hope the smell goes away. :(


Blogger TrinaBeingTrina said...

Hahahaha! I'm glad everything is alright but that kinda thing happens all the time. The smell will eventually go away.

2:39 AM  
Blogger BK said...

LMAO.. glad you didn't burn down the house BUT you knew better!!!

So is the smell gone?

10:00 AM  
Blogger Drama Kween said...

hey lady...
its been a long time since I've been around...so I dropping by everyone's page to say HI!!!!

9:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fill a pot with water and add a cup of vinegar....let the liquid come to a boil...let boil for maybe ten minutes and turn off heat. The vinegar/water will absorb all the bad odor!!!

2:35 PM  

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