Apparently, I'm IT
Fun with Fours
Four Jobs You've Had
1. Cashier @ Wendy's(First job EVER)
2. Cashier @ Golden Coral
3. Sales Associate/Assistant Manager @ Payless (I've been there off and on since 95. I just started back there again for extra income in Sept 05.)
4. Auditor for HUD-OIG.
Four Movies You Could Watch OVer and OVer
1. The Color Purple (I'm always acting out parts of the movie, lol U told Harpo to beat me- I plan to see the play for my b-day)
2. Beaches (and yes I have the sound track)
3. The Never Ending Story (Say my name Sabastian)
4. The Wiz (the Black ppl version of the Wizard of OZ)
Four places you Have Lived
1. Detroit, MI (born but not raised, Ima military brat)
2. Honolulu, HI
3. San Diego, CA
4. Virginia Beach, VA
Four Tv Shows You Love to Watch
1. CSI (The original, I can't stand NY and Miami. I can't relate to the characters.)
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. House
4. Last but not lease: 24
Four Favorite Books
1. The Coldest Winter Ever
2. Green Eggs and Ham
3. 1 Fish 2 Fish
4. The Cat in the Hat.
(J/K about 2-4 but i dont read much, I had to fill it with something, lol).
Four Places You Have Been On Vacation
1. Jamaica
2. North Carolina
3. Cozemel
4. Miami (& I'm going again in March)
Four Websites You Visit Daily
Four Favorite Foods
1. Crabs (legs, cakes, & the whole damn thing)
2. Shrimp
3. Banana Pudding
4. Nestle Triple Chocolate Drumstick
Four Places You Rather Be Right Now
1. On the Beach
2. With Someone I love and loves me back
3. At my momma's house
4. At the movies ( i can't remember the last time I went to the movies.)
Four people You'll Tag
Pissy tagged all the ppl i would've tagged, so i gotta think about it...Any volunteers?