Wednesday, December 07, 2005


What most women need and most men refuse to give. Why do men do this? Why not let us go? You may have alluded that it was over or said in a phone call, but you deny us closure by not giving us the real reason why it did not work. Instead we get: "It's not you, it's me.", "I'm not good enough for you." or "You deserve much better." Men these are not valid reasons for WHY you've ended the relationship. And you wonder why some of us, blow up your phone afterwards. We do this because you stole our right to closure, 1. we never got to say our peace and 2. we still dont know what went wrong....9 times out of 10 before hearing this bombshell, we didnt even know anything was wrong. I think yall do this on purpose, so that we dont let go. you wanna leave the door open, so you can wiggle your way back in, when you get good and ready. Its not fair and its an act of a coward.

Breaking up with someone via phone, email, or text message does not give the other person the closure that a face to face conversation will give. It doesnt give them a chance to see your expression, ask questions they may be swirling through their mind, or look into your eyes and know that this is truely done and over with. Anyone who has every been in love or at least thought they were knows that break ups are hard, but they are even harder without end up asking yourself the questions you want to ask them, knowing you cant answer them......

MEN stop it, man up give us closure. let us move on. hey we may even learn valuable lessons, from what you have to tell us...something we may not be able to understand at the moment, but can appreciate later.....And women you have to be able to hear what is said, take the criticism, move on and let go, he may not want you, but trust someone else does, just walk away knowing he's the one that's missing out on a good thing, its his loss........ *jumps off soap box*


Blogger NegroPino™ said...

MEn are cowards. At least I have admitted in the past that the relationship wouldn' t work because I was no longer attracted. Why beat around the bush?

9:32 AM  

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