Friday, December 08, 2006


I'm a grown ass women dawg....


You asked this question like you ALWAYS answer you phone.......NOT!!!!! Do I berate you with questions, not say hello, and instead commence with a interrogation??????......NO.....CAUSE IT DON"T MATTER WHY YOU AINT ANSWER THE PHONE, WE TALKING NOW!!!!!!!

But let me entertain your ass for one moment. You can insert these explanations whenever you wanna know why I did answer MY phone when you called.....

  • My phone never rang......(As was the case this morning....I had no missed call from you. And yes I know you heard a ring on your side.....but that does not mean it came through on my phone and since I don't work for Sprint I canNOT tell you why this happened.)
  • I didn't hear my phone ring.
  • My music was too loud.
  • The speaker part of my phone was facing the seat, so the ringer was muffled.
  • The ringer I had on was not loud enough.
  • And if you keep calling me with all the questions....Ima start telling you its because I didn't feel like talking to your ANGRY ASS. Simmer down TUFFIE...

I swear we are two angry peas in a pod. 2 ppl with attitudes are bound to have confrontation. I love ya to death, but you need to start WOOOSAWING and RUBBING YOUR EARS before you call me. Ma it aint that serious. You gonna give yourself a heart attack or stroke with all that ANGER.....

SO there you go KG your shout out.....AND STOP LURKING ON MY BLOG, COMMENT TRICK.....LOL.....And your call making sure I got in safe, I guess that as close to an apology I'ma get.....I accept. *HUGS* LMAO.

AND BK Don't be threatening me for my stars everyday I don't post. :P *kicks shins*


Blogger BK said...

LMAO.. hahahaaaaaa

and you can't turn my shin kick into a kick shin!!!!

:) now keep posting!

and Umm you must ain't been there and paid attention that I changed it up.. so its no longer stars.. its daily reads and blogs I read.. Hmmph

10:48 AM  
Blogger NegroPino™ said...

Yeah so if u wanna stay on the daily u need to post on the regularly before she bumps u down....

I know this aint METRO MAN......

I got that same type of thing today...somebody talking bout they called me and couldnt get through...they NEVER called......unless they 2 wayed me and i was on hte phone and in that case u have my number, call MOFO...

By teh way, them heffas made it here i might be on to a play and some drinks later

1:17 PM  
Blogger TTD said...

it's "kick rocks!" not shins... lol! she wont herself kicking shins... only the person that she's kicking! haha

7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that you've gotten that off of your chest, I hope you feel better.

6:47 AM  
Blogger Ming Houser, Realtor said...

Thank you TTD for clearing the saying up...LOL! Kick Shins...LOL!

Ummm, you sound angry, too...

2:52 PM  

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