Friday, April 06, 2007

Maybe I'm just being sensitive

but it seems to me, it hurts you to part your lips to me. You carrying on like I did something to you. I ask you a question, you look at me like I'm crazy, but someone asks you the same question and get an immediate response. Da hell. Ok like I said, maybe I'm being sensitive. We all know I am.

not even sure what this is about. The last time we had a real conversation, was when I called you about an error on something you sent out to the masses, so you could correct it before you printed. you said thanks and informed me you already knew about it and that if I had READ I would've known you knew. I informed you of your tude, you stated you did not have. The change in your tone and volume told me different. If you were seriously not ticked, you would've calmly stated thanks, but i already knew its in the email. As apposed to the acussatory language that was fired at me. But hey thats me, not you. You choose your words as you see fit. And I in turn will interupt them as I hear them.

I would hope something that minor is not what this is all about. Maybe you're just in one of your moods. And this has nothing to do with me. Like I said maybe, just maybe, I'm being sensitive. I would think if you had a problem with me, you would state said problem so the issue coud be resolved.

And I guess, if this is about that. This here post will make you upset with me longer. Oh well. Cause I will not be tip toeing around your ass for fear of your rath. I did nothing wrong.


Blogger TrinaBeingTrina said...

The best thing ot do is flat out ask him/her if they are upset about something. I hate when people walk around mad at you and you don't know why. Make then tell you what the real problem is.

2:36 AM  
Blogger SomeOne said...

true trina. thanks.

9:24 AM  
Blogger BK said...

Ummm who you talking bout Chrissy?

4:26 PM  

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