Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Its on its way to being ova

Well he's been served. How do I know you may ask. He called me last night from his parent's house (the only reason I answered the phone) ranting about one lil sentence. My first thoughts were that he already knows we've amended that statment verbally. He knows I'm not one to renege on a promise (unlike him). And he knows I know there's no way in blue hell I'd ever see that money despite what any judge says. That negro aint got ish I want. Only think I want from him is OUT. I informed him that I was not seeking anything from him and that the attachment he's referring to is just to put into record our agreement. Our verbal agreement (which is also legally binding) cancels the last sentence. And that I would ensure its known in court that I am not pursuing that money nor any other alimony type compensation. After that I said bye and hung up. All that needed to be said had been said. I've done enough pussyfooting and being cordial with him. I guess now that he's served I'm taking off all kid gloves.

After talking with a couple ppl, I do understand his concern. But just because he is incapable of keeping his word, doesn't mean I am. I don't wanna go through the trouble of putting our verbal agreement in writing. But I also don't want that one sentence to hinder this process. My lawyer stated that we can simply address it in court stating that portion is no longer applicable. But he also said if he contests (even just that one sentence), it'll take longer for a court date to be made. To make the process go its quickest he needs to sign the documents uncontested. He has 30 days to respond. If he doesn't, my lawyer will issue a default. Then the courts will issue a court date, inform him of the date, and inquire as to why he didn't respond.

So in any event, I should have a court date my May 17, 2007. *crossing fingers, toes, and eyes* I'm just really hoping we're divorced before our next anniversary (June 8th).


Blogger BK said...

Hugs!!! everythign will work itself out.. you will be aight!

9:07 AM  
Blogger TrinaBeingTrina said...

Why is it that getting a dam divorce can be one of the hardest things to do? But like you said, just keep your fingers crossed and hopefully everything will be smoothe sailing.

5:25 AM  
Blogger Organized Noise said...

Glad to hear that things are moving forward. If I had read this before Boston, I would have definitely brought you a glass of champagne or something. Maybe next month while I'm down your way.

10:25 PM  
Blogger Ms.Honey said...

Boo to him for being a wankster (umm did I just say that lol)

He'll be aight....yaahhh we can have a I'm divorced drink night LOL

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

crossing my fingers that it's over by 6/8 as well....

2:01 PM  
Blogger Ray said...

I say exactly what ttd says!

9:39 PM  

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